Why it's important to build your online presence


CodzLand team

6/22/20233 min read


In today's digital age, having a personal portfolio website has become essential for professionals in various fields. Whether you're a talented or creative person seeking your dream opportunity or chance, a personal portfolio website is a great way to showcase your work, skills, and achievements to potential clients, recruiter agencies, and employers

Suppose you search for the right most talented person, and need an artist, designer, or developer. What will you do this time? You can finish your work by talking to him in person. But you have to remember that this is the digital age, in this age the value of time is much higher. And to solve this problem there is an Online Portfolio Website to strengthen your position

LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook pages are all right for an online portfolio. But these are not enough to make you and your work beautiful. Exactly, for this reason, an online portfolio is needed.

Having an online portfolio can open a lot of new doors to unparalleled opportunities. Let’s go through some of them!


So, first, we have to know what is a portfolio website. A portfolio website can be explained as a freelancer's resume. In detail, it is the system of showcasing your previous work with other clients.

A portfolio should include your past work experiences, qualifications, skills, degrees, or certifications you’ve completed, any awards or accolades you’ve earned, as well as some examples of your work.

If you’re a creative professional (even if it’s not your money-maker right now), you should have a portfolio website

This could mean that you are a photographer, designer, artist, website coder, model, writer… or any other creative who has physical or visual work to show off. Create a space where you can collect all the many things you’ve made and created over the years.


1. Established your professionality

2. Increase your potential

3. Support your credibility and be trust

4. Provides a Platform to Highlight Your Best Work

5. Great First Impression For Employers

6. Provides a Platform to Highlight Your Best Work

7. Reflects Your Personality and Creativity

1. Establish a professional online presence: Having a personal portfolio website allows you to showcase your work and accomplishments in a professional and organized manner. It can help you stand out from the crowd and create a strong online presence.

2. Attract potential clients and employers: A personal portfolio website can help you attract potential clients, employers, and collaborators who are looking for someone with your skills and expertise. Your website can act as a showcase for your work, making it easier for people to understand your capabilities.

3. Build credibility and trust: A personal portfolio website can help you build credibility and trust with potential clients, employers, and collaborators. It shows that you take your work seriously and that you're committed to your profession.

4. An online portfolio is there for you to display your best work to the world on your terms. You can choose the layout of your portfolio, what pieces to show at the forefront, provide background information on every piece/project, and much more.

For example, you can dedicate a section or even page to your latest projects, another section for award-winning pieces, and even include an accessible archive. Moreover, your personality is also more likely to shine through when it is on your website

5. If an employer sees your website link in your signature or on your resume, they’ll likely click on it to see what you’ve built. Seeing you’ve taken the time to build a website featuring work samples, recommendations, previous presentations and more will be a killer first impression.

6. Now is the time to showcase your best work and include information about your specialization. When posting samples of your best work, it is important to present your craft in a way that will cater to your target clients. You can show off and present yourself in a manner that implies that your audience should choose you.

7. An online portfolio is an excellent reflection of who you are as a person and a professional. You can choose how to present yourself, what works to display, what achievements to list, etc. Again, design and layout are essential here. Unlike social media profiles or an online resume, you can pick the colors, visuals, fonts, interactive elements, and even animations that best reflect your style. You can even show your sense of humor if you wish to do so and make yourself look more approachable.

After all, you should know what is the importance of having a portfolio website